The wedding videography market has too many options to choose from (depending on where you live).

How can you separate the professionals from the amateurs and hobbyists?

Five simple questions can tell you almost everything you need to determine if a wedding videographer is a true, seasoned professional who will deliver on your investment.

What matters when hiring a wedding videographer?

Do they have backup equipment?

Do they carry liability insurance?

How long have you been filming weddings?

How many videographers are covering my wedding?

Other Important Booking Considerations

Book local or within the same state if possible. In-state videographers will likely be well-acquainted with the area, other vendors in the same area will know them, and you can verify who they are and their reputation in the community.

National booking companies that advertise cheap wedding videography and photography on search engines will hire random, contracted videographers and sometimes they don’t show or cancel the wedding. Couples get suckered in with low prices, but those low prices can cause you to lose a videographer entirely.

If the videographer doesn’t provide a phone number, tread carefully.

If the videographer does not have a website with a portfolio, keep looking. Just because a videographer has stunning reels on Instagram or TikTok does not mean they actually know how to film an entire wedding day. They should be sharing sample videos that are at least 3 minutes long on a full website.